Sonntag, 4. März 2012

paper blossom (tutorial)

Have I ever told you that I love flowers and that I'll always create flower decorations, accessories etc.?
Okay, now you know :)

Yesterday while I was crafting I thought of doing my own paper flowers. And I created some of them. They're easy to do with a nice effect!
First I show you one of my little blooms and than I'll try to explain how to do.

I'm sorry for the glue spots. It's a very fresh pic ;) but in the end the glue will dry crystal clear!
For the flower above I was using 4 pieces of punched*  paper flowers in this

All of this pieces are inked at the edges and turned in with a round embossing tool. 

Next step is to make a cut from the edge to the center point. I've done this with 2 of my flowers. When you now overlap the first and the last leave you'll have a lovely round flower shape with 4 leaves. Don't forget to fix them with some adhesive!!
Now it's time to fix this two 4-leave-flowers onto one with 5 leaves - now a lovely blossom exists :))

The last step is to cut the fifth flower into 5 single leaves and to glue them in the center of the paper flower. I use liquid glue here.

As a finish I like to put a gem stone or button into the middle. That's it! 
If you change the shape, size and colors of your flower you can create tons of lovely blossoms!!!!

Materials needed:
  • Paper
  • ink color
  • embossing pen
  • adhesive and glue
  • gem stones or buttons
  • puncher, shape cutting machine

Try it out and let me know about your experiences!

*if you don't have a puncher or shape cutting machine, you can also draw one flower and use it as a template to cut with scissors. I'm sure you'll find such a shape also in the internet for free :)

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